Friday, January 1, 2010

Intro --N 2 Me--

iM dEfiNiteLy a Real person.
I have Friends and FamiLy.
I LoVe God.(For Me There is N O T H I N G greater)
You might hear me flip out oFten in my Blogs. But its a BlessiNg not a Curse.
I have One ThiNg In cOmmon with all of yOu: I AM HUMAN..
Not That I am a BlaCk Female who Chats about Her Life.
This is the Space where Everthing I thInk oF ToO MuCh,, You read.

To Know Me is to Hate or LoVe Me. (You see I put HATE 1st, it cud very much happen)
Your Choice to Decide,,
Its your Right. We are all HUMAN. HopefuLLy.

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